Wisconsin Christian Newspaper

Set Apart Ministries contributes toward the annual financial support that enables us to offer articles on personal growth and a Hebraic perspective on faith.

This newspaper was founded in April of 2000 by Rob Pue and his wife, Lisa. In 2023, it is distributed nation-wide with more than 57,000 copies printed copies distributed in public places, such as restaurants, grocery stores, hotels, truck stops and other high-traffic locations. Individual and bulk subscriptions are also available to be delivered to your door. The Wisconsin Christian News website can be found at WisconsinChristianNews.com where it has about 100,000 views per month.

In 2019, Wisconsin Christian News began a weekly internet TV program, "WCN TV" which hosts well-known experts from around the world. Past guests have included George Barna, Judge Roy Moore, Ray Comfort, Alex Newman, Lt. Col. Oliver North, John Whitehead, Doug Hagmann and many more. The show is live every Tuesday at 5 pm CENTRAL time and can be found at WCNTV.net and on Rumble.com

Email the publisher directly at: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com


Sponsorship with this paper makes it possible for us to be visible as a Messianic, Torah Pursuant Local Community.

Coaching services have been promoted using this venue as well.

We have often also benefited from the ability to promote activities or guest speakers or musicians who are also Torah pursuant.

Written Articles

Articles written by Barbara Klika or other local SAM members have been included in the monthly paper for several years. Most of them are also available on our website, usually in a longer form than is possible in the newspaper version.

They are also available in the Newspapers online archive, helping us be more visible to the online community as well.