
Since the Ruach ha Kodesh/Holy Spirit is drawing people from all over the world, often individually or in small groups, it is very common for people to find themselves isolated and not easily able to find people of like mind near by.

While it is very enjoyable to travel and meet people face to face, it is not always practical to do so. Teleconferences provide a way to interact personally with people from all over who are seeking to know more about our Hebraic heritage...or just wondering what to do as they see so many things changing in their assemblies!

Monthly Teleconference Discussion Group

Beginning September 2022

This group will meet via Skype monthly, generally the third or fourth Sunday morning/weekend.

8:30 am To Get Connected

8:45-10:45 am CST

To register to receive email notifications of each month's topic and date,
please email me at and use the Subject Line: Teleconference

If you aren't already in our Skype list please also provide your Skype
contact information so we can add you and get connected easily!

Shalom all!

I am pleased to invite you to join us for a monthly discussion on topics of interest as often as you are able to come!

Getting together, even by telephone or video conferencing, with those of like mind, heart and call to serve our Messiah as we serve His people proves to be a blessing again and again. In these days many people have realized that there are serious concerns within the institutional church but they haven't found a place to review those concerns and consider what action they might take. If your assembly became "woke" without your agreement, you may find our discussions very helpful!

Our topics will involve ways in which Messiah's Bride is to be preparing herself for His return!

  • January 2023: Take and Eat article
  • February 2023 Poor, Blind and Naked: from the Garden of Eden to Laodicea Part 1
  • March 2023 Poor, Blind and Naked: From the Garden of Eden to Laodicea Part 2

This will be an open group that people may join in as it is convenient for them to do so.

A Service offered by Set Apart Ministries Undershepherd Barbara L. Klika, MSW

Free Conference & Skype

Teleconferences have generally been offered using the Free Conference service which can be done by telephone alone or telephone with the addition of an onscreen whiteboard shared by all participants. More recently, we have been using Skype services to share our Shabbat worship and study times as well.

At some future time, we could then break off to a coaching series in which we would specifically address the topics more deeply or those found in my Clues for Shepherds PowerPoint, Messy Expectations series, or a topic of interest to a particular group.

At that point, a specific topic group would be limited to those already participating so that our developing relationships can deepen along the way.

Donations are always appreciated and needed to cover our costs, but there is no fee for participation here. An outgrowth of this into a specific topic group may have a suggested donation.

If you have never done a teleconference before, you will be surprised at how easy it is, and how quickly we get to know one another's hearts and voices.

Watching and praying here,

Barbara L. Klika, MSW
Personal Life Coach
Undershepherd Set Apart Ministries, Inc.

To get on our notification list, Email me at: with subject line: Teleconference

Looking forward to hearing from you!

We have offered several teleconferences over the past 15 years on various topics:

  • New to Torah
  • Leadership Consultation
  • The Creation Gospel study
  • "Open Mic" Topics as chosen by participants

The longest standing group has been together for more than 5 years.

Leadership consultation groups have also been provided for leaders of a specific group and for leaders in general to discuss similar challenges they face. They are scheduled as requested and are not recorded for later inclusion on the site.

Hebrews 10:32-39

Messianic Equipping Community