Contact Us

We are based in De Pere, Wisconsin. As a Home Fellowship, we rotate our weekly Shabbat gatherings monthly among our homes and the small apartment we now maintain for the SAM office equipment and library. Additional meetings and consultations take place there as well. Larger gatherings and moedim gatherings are scheduled in nearby facilities as needs are determined.

We are always pleased to hear from those whom the Ruach haKodesh/ Holy Spirit has been calling back to the ancient paths as we follow Messiah Yeshua! We also enjoy hearing from those people who have questions about how and why we believe it is important to honor Torah.

Our special interests are in helping the Body of Messiah to mature as we prepare as His Bride to meet Him, which includes restoration from trauma and the use of the spiritual weapons we have been given to fight the good fight.

We are blessed and built up in both Papa's Torah and Mama's Torah. Our special niche here includes a focus on Mama's Torah; that which has to do with personal growth and character development, without which we do not believe Papa's Torah can be correctly understood.

Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments!

Office Phone: (920) 634-2760
Supplementary Encrypted Coaching Services Email:

Our Mailing Address:
Set Apart Ministries, Inc.
P. O. Box 5584
De Pere, WI 54115