
Too Soon to Daily Commit our FIRST Love and Focus On Messiah, THE Lion of Judah?

Barbara L. Klika, MSW, Undershepherd, Life Coach
June 2010

American Christians are busy with many worthwhile things such as marriage and family relationships, pro-life activities, sexual purity. Few are aware of what is happening in Israel. Some think it doesn’t even matter. 

Several years ago, a consortium of Rabbis believed the “time of Jacob’s trouble” had come.  How many American Believers realized what that meant? We have been grafted in to the Family of Jacob; the House of Israel which has 12 tribes, through our acceptance of Messiah’s work on our behalf. We are to be about our Father’s business, as Messiah was; and that business is in the household of faith. Several weeks ago, it was announced by leading Rabbis that they believe we are entering the preparatory stages of the Gog Magog war as much of the world turns against Israel over the flotilla attempt to run the Egyptian/Israeli blockade. They, too, earnestly await Messiah, though they think for the first time.

We have thought of Israel and the Jewish people as “them.” The focus has been on our differences for these past 2,000 years or two days in His sight. Some have believed that Christians have replaced Israel, despite Scripture that clearly states He will redeem and restore and is not finished with the whole House of Israel. 

Many have read Messiah’s Words about the separation of the sheep and the goats yet may not know the connection with Ezekiel’s words (Eze 34:17-24.) It is not only goats and sheep to be separated but sheep and sheep, before those at His right Hand will be called up to His Father’s House. We need to know what kind of sheep HE wants us to be! Not our own ideas of righteousness! (I Peter 4: 3-7)

As our Father’s plans unfold, just as there was separation of upper and lower waters in the Creation, and in the Flood so will there be separation of heavenly and earthly things in the end.   As He parted the waters simultaneously bringing deliverance for His people and destruction to those who did not honor Him, so He is doing again. 

We do not believe that He will be concerned about denominational affiliation, seminars attended nor Christian cause emails forwarded. We believe the dominant question will be: ” Who do you say I am?” in recognition of Messiah as LORD or not. He is the Lion of Judah, King over all the House of Israel; and all those companions grafted in. He is coming for His sheep, in both folds. (John 10:16, Matthew 10:6, James 1:1, John 7:35)   Just as He did in the beginning, separating the waters in order to gather together dry land, separating woman from man only to say the two shall become one, separating Noah and family out from those who were swept away, separating Northern and Southern Kingdoms of Israel as part of His plan to bring them together in the end, so is

He now separating those sheep and sheep; testing us to see whether or not we heed His whole Word and promises. He is the Same from Age to Age, Alpha and Omega/Alef and Tav.  He has not changed! Only our understanding changed. 

Surely, He knew that His people would be divided into those called “Christians” and those called “Jews” or more accurately, “Israel.” Surely, He knows our misunderstandings of Torah and Messiah and has, in fact, allowed that division to continue for two thousand years, or two days in His sight. (Hos. 6: 1-3)

Now the third day seems to be in our sight. Darkness and evil intent is gathering all around Israel just as His Word says will happen. It may be within months or years or He may choose to hold it off for a time but it will come to pass as He is not a man that He should lie. He knows and declares the end out of the beginning (Is. 46:10; 48: 3-5. Enoch understood destruction was coming when his son, Methuselah was born. (His name means “when he is dead it will come”) He didn’t wait for the last moment to turn to God but walked so closely with Him that he was taken up without experiencing physical death. Will we do the same or will we be taken up with our daily lives and concerns to the exclusion of this bigger picture?

Will we gather with Him and the whole House of Israel?  Will we bless Israel and merit blessing or curse Israel and merit destruction?  There is much refinement needed in all those who follow the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, no matter which House we are from or grafted in to, whether called Christian or Jew. But He is faithful and has promised to complete what He has begun; scattering only to bring together in righteousness and holiness—set-apartness—for His Name’s sake.

The lines are being drawn around the world as Israel and Jerusalem are indeed the prophesied cup of trembling to the nations. Egypt, Assyria and Israel are to be blessed. (Is. 19:24-25) After being scattered, the House of Judah and his companions and the

House of Joseph and his companions are to be made one again in His Hand. (Ezekiel 37 15-20, Zech. 10:6)

Will we see the redemption in progress or will we be short sighted, insisting all will go on as before (II Peter 3:4), enamored by the sight of our own eyes and hearing of our own ears, as Eve was in the Garden?  Will we think it wise to stay clear of the battle, concentrating on our daily lives and our ideas of serving Him instead? 

We are not at the end yet, but like Enoch, may we NOT wait to declare our honor and worship of the God of Israel, standing with His people and His land. What could be more worthy of our first attention? The message to the Israelites coming out of Egypt is the same message to the assemblies of Revelation for those coming out of the world system, personified as Babylon: He is to be our FIRST LOVE! 

He has told us to seek Him and His righteousness first; then all else will be given. He has promised to contend with all those who contend with us as we honor Him. May we give our first love and first priority to knowing Him and His entire Word and then to growing in maturity in Him in the context of family and community. 

Choose this day Whom you will serve. Let us not limp between two opinions, but choose YHWH God and serve Him now.  What could be more important?


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