
He Gives us Bread for Each Day…are we taking it? Our Experience in Set Apart Ministries

Barbara L. Klika, MSW, Undershepherd, Life Coach
May 2009

A Believer in Messiah Yeshua is part of His family and part of His army. Those who are serious in their desire to grow in 
faith and the knowledge of our Messiah generally understand that one of the spiritual disciplines involved to do so is 
regular study of the Word. Yet in the press of daily living it is often the activity people admit is lost. There ARE pressing 
circumstances in life and people are often quick to conclude that "God will understand." Things we see as "good" or 
"bad" come to Believers and unbelievers alike, despite "prosperity gospel" teachings.

Study of the Word: How important is it really? A luxury or a necessity? As we see more evidence that American's have 
less regard or knowledge of the Word and the powers of darkness seem more bold, what kind of impact will this have on 

As is so often true, Oswald Chambers has provided thoughts that challenge and shed light on what we experience today 
as we serve Messiah Yeshua.

It is only the loyal soul who believes that God engineers circumstances. We take such liberty with our 
circumstances, we do not believe God engineers them, although we say we do; we treat the things that happen 
as if they were engineered by men. To be faithful in every circumstance means that we have only one loyalty, and 
that is to our Lord. Suddenly God breaks up a particular set of circumstances, and the realization comes that we 
have been disloyal to Him by not recognizing that he had ordered them; we never saw what he was after, and 
that particular thing will never be repeated all the days of our life. The test of loyalty always comes just there. If 
we learn to worship God in the trying circumstances, He will alter them in two seconds when He chooses.

Loyalty to Jesus Christ is the thing that we "stick at" today. We will be loyal to work, to service, to anything, but 
do not ask us to be loyal to Jesus Christ. Many Christians are intensely impatient of talking about loyalty to Jesus. 
Our Lord is dethroned more emphatically by Christian workers than by the world. God is made a machine for 
blessing men, and Jesus Christ is made a Worker among workers. 
My Utmost for His Highest.1

In Chambers time, it was world war that caused men to faint. Today, there is fear of worldwide war again but also much 
talk that we are near to Messiah's return. Even those without Bible training are tossing around the year 2012 with 
varying degrees of anxiety. Though we do not know the year, we certainly can see the season as we watch prophetic 
events daily. We are heading into darker days than we have known before; than any generation on earth has ever 
known. How soon--This month? Next month? Two years from NOW?

Challenges grow deeper as darkness increases. Many believers are aware of Scriptural teaching about the separation of 
the sheep and the goats and have determined they want to be among the sheep! But even more separation is coming. 
Ezekiel described the separation of the sheep from the sheep, too. (Ezekiel 34) The type of sheep is also important.

Some are aware of the parable of the ten virgins (Matthew 25); five wise ones who were ready when Messiah returned 
and went into the wedding chamber with Him and the five foolish ones who KNEW something about His coming but 
were not prepared and so missed out. Some are content with the idea that they will just "make it in the door" of heaven 
and so do not pursue understanding of our God with much passion. Others strive deeply at great cost to know Him with 
intense desire to be among the five wise virgins. We understand that the five wise ones likely represent the Bride of 
Messiah. The others may very well be with Him in the life to come but not in the same intimacy. We are establishing our 
relationship and place with Him NOW.

In any case, we are in our training time; boot camp for the Bride.
As we train, we will perform.

Our Set Apart Ministries family has long spoken of our recognition that we are being prepared to play a role in teaching 
about maturity and the return to the ancient paths of YHWH, particularly to the House of Ephraim. We are a group of 
very committed people, which has been confirmed by visitors observations, praise Yeshua!

We have seen some people come and go and have understood that everyone is not called to stand together with us; 
our prayer being that He will bring those He wants here and keep away those He does not want here, as He leads them 
to the place He desires them to be.

Standing together involves recognition that the life of a Believer is not always easy; in fact, one should question if it is 
too easy! Commitment to the Person of Yeshua Messiah and His teachings is the hallmark of a follower. He did not 
hesitate to challenge His followers when He was on earth nor do we understand Him to do less now. To determine what 
is believed and to make life choices based on that belief is one way to understand what it means to "stand."

We understood in prayer long ago that standing would be hard and painful, and that some would be "taken out" though 
we have not known exactly what kind of "taking out" was meant. Truthfully, there is probably more than one meaning 
here. There remains illness and stress among us, though a deep current of joy and expectation is also present. We stand 
in Messiah's protection and address concerns of spiritual warfare—cursing, hexing, vexing, gaming, rebellion, and 
duplicity—on a regular basis. Yet some struggles remain. No few words could even fully represent the depth of some of 
them. We're growing and we don't (always) like it.

We have spent countless hours on relationship building, and discussion of being in fellowship with one another through 
echad with Messiah; not just "social-ship." We are not a uniformity: it would be hard to find a group of people more 
different in background, tastes and interests yet we have unity in our desire to please Messiah. Like Roman foot soldiers 
traveling together in formation, shielding one another on all sides and above as one unit, so we grow into Him together 
in covenant relationship, "turtled up!"

We have grown in our ability to stay focused in prayer and worship long enough to reach quiet deeper places of intimacy 
with Him at such times. HalleluYah! We have grown in our ability to "pray, stay and not run away" and to face, discuss 
and resolve conflicts among us…almost in real time, without much delay, too. Thank you Yeshua!

We have stood in awe and amazement as we have seen how He has coordinated our studies and led us along a path to 
build a foundation of knowledge and intimacy with Him. This is true for our Life Model work and groups, as well as for 
our Torah studies on Shabbat. They so often dovetail and support one another it can only be His direction. None of us is 
smart enough to make that happen!

And now…

 …Challenges grow deeper as darkness increases

As we train, we will perform.

Right now, we have two wonderful studies we are pursuing: Tony Robinson's thematic analysis of Torah and Holissa 
Alewine's Creation Gospel. Once again, these topics weave in and out together expanding our understanding in ways we 
knew but didn't KNOW before like this!

It seems this is bringing another area of growth into focus: our intent to maintain an interactive style of Torah study.

This has been determined in mutual consent among us for many years. In order for this to happen, all members of 
community need to pursue their own study weekly and bring in what the Ruach has shown them for the week. Most 
people have clearly been in the material and it has been so exciting when insights blossom right during the discussion 
time! This has been one of the more challenging times of our community study as the depth of the material and the 
presentation style presents more of a "right brain" intuitive process than the customary logical progression. Welcomed 
by some and puzzling to others!

Yet the stress of maintaining an active preparation has become an issue, especially with two double portions in a row. 
MANY are experiencing stressors and difficulties totally unexpected and out of their control. Some experience ongoing 
circumstances that they cannot personally change yet must cope in the midst of them. What happens to loyalty to 
Yeshua and commitment to study then?

What do we know about study of the Word and our boot camp training? As we train, we will perform.

Yeshua is the Living Word and the Bread of Life. 
Torah is described as the Word and Life.

Study of the Word is compared to eating bread.

Just as we grow stronger in knowledge, depth and ability to apply the Word through study, so do we grow strong 
through eating appropriate foods in a timely manner.

When is it most difficult to eat well balanced meals on a regular basis?
• When time challenges or stress make it difficult to plan and prepare. 
• lack of finances

What is the outcome of failing to eat well? 
• Physical weakness, illness, and decline. And if it goes on long enough, death. 

When is it most necessary to eat well? 
• Prevention of illness AND during times of stress, illness. 
• Neglect of personal care

HALT—Wisdom from AA included this little acronym Don't let yourself get too:
Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. Any of these states getting out of control leaves us vulnerable to any number of 
stressors; and opens the door for spiritual stressors as well.

• While preparing for some kind of action, exercise, battle.

When is it most difficult to study? 
• Usually when circumstances around us grow more confusing or time consuming. 
• Urgency, not always importance, of things/people making demands of us. 
• HALT Neglect of personal care.

What is the outcome of failing to study? 
• Spiritual / Faith weakness and decline
• Decreasing discernment 
• No/slow growth
• More easily deceived
• Decreased relationship with Messiah
• Desensitization: "numbed out" to importance of study
• Falling out of discipline seems to make attempt to return more difficult.

When do we most need to study? 
• In times of crisis, confusion and weakness, loss of conviction of His Truth.
• When we least "feel like it" 
• When everything else SEEMS more important. 
• While preparing for some kind of action, exercise, battle.

Double binds!!

We most need to study when it is most difficult to do so.

We fully expect circumstances to get more difficult.

• How do we maintain study when stress and pressure affect people even now before we have come to the 
darker times expected? 
• How do we determine when pressures really are such that study is not possible vs. determination that study 
and perseverance are needed? 
• Does this mean all spiritual disciplines go "out the window" or is there a way to work around such pressure?

What are our choices when we recognize both the need to study and the cost to do so? Here is where recognition of 
maturity issues as well as the difference between fear and love bonds comes in. If you aren't familiar with these terms, 
check out The Life Model: Living from the Heart Jesus Gave You.2  A chart explaining these terms is available in the 
article about love and fear bonds in faith on our website. which you can see at:

Performance/Fear based responses 
• Read and study out of obligation and guilt without comprehension or heart Net gain? Practically zero…. (This is 
not the same thing as studying because you know it Is what He expects of us and you determine to do so despite 
lack of "warm fuzzies.") 
• Plead inability to do it well therefore won’t do it at all until….. some future better time.

Net gain? zero…

Love Based responses 
• Loyalty to Yeshua in the face of what ever circumstances challenge.

Net gain: JOY! Strength!

• Setting priorities with Yeshua at the top of the list 
• Knowing when to relax and not stress over it, and when to "push/discipline" oneself

Maturity issues involved in resolving this double bind? 
• Determination of the will to do what is "best" 
• Perseverance to do hard things. 
• Modify perfectionist tendencies: do some study even if can't do as much as desired.
• Knowing when to ask for help—from other people, and from Him.

As we mature in faith, we learn that He is for us. When we find ourselves struggling, even if it is with a lack of 
motivation to study, confession of the struggle to Him will enlist His intervention and often bring about a change of 

If we are thrown about by our life's circumstances now, when on a scale of 1-10 they could be rated perhaps at a 4 or a 
5, what will we do when they become cataclysmic as described in Revelation?

Many years ago under difficult circumstances, I understood that our Messiah's grace is for when we FALL short of His 
standards, not if we AIM short of them.

May we be in training now and seek Him while He may be found. We know how difficult it is to learn new things let 
alone develop trust when we are in crisis. How much more would it be difficult to wait to develop loyalty to Yeshua first 
in the midst of worldwide calamity?

Why would we choose to allow ourselves to grow weak by not feasting on His Word, the Bread of Life while we have a 

How often He teaches us through our struggles and difficulties; allowing them as opportunities to grow our faith and 
confidence in Him no matter what our common sense tells us. In fact, it is through struggle and persecution because we 
bear His Name and for His Name's sake, that we become more like Him in His sufferings. 
May we not "wish away" the very circumstances He employs to refine us, but remain loyal and faithful to Him in the 
midst of them.

Just as He prepares a table for us…right in the presence of our enemies! (Psalm 23)

As we train, we will perform.

Yeshua! Please engineer our circumstances and cause us to understand what You are teaching us in the 
midst of them. We want to be pleasing to You more than anything. Teach us to hunger
and thirst for Your Word and to wisely number our days.

Who in heaven do we have but You?


1 My Utmost for His Highest, Chambers, Oswald, 1963 

2 The Life Model, Wilder, James, PhD, et all, Shepherd's House, Pasadena, California                        (920) 634-2760


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