

“Live not by Lies” and Broken Hearted/Broken Minded People

Barbara L. Klika, MSW, Undershepherd, Life Coach
October 2023

Written for Wisconsin Christian Newspaper

There is a shift at hand for those of us who remain convicted in our faith of Messiah Yeshua/Jesus and Our Father, YHWH. The society we have had during our youth HAS been fundamentally changed and, in my opinion, we need to understand in order to be prayerfully effective intercessors and take action where our Messiah directs us to do so.  I didn’t want to believe it could be done seemingly so fast!

We had been operating under the understanding that our country had Judeo Christian foundations that still informed decision making today in every area imaginable. We thought if we could just reason with people and show them true facts, especially in the Word, they would come around! It seems the hell fire and brimstone approach hasn’t been effective for quite some time as confidence in the validity of the Whole Word of God has eroded so deeply. We can’t just preach to the choir: they may well be the ones who KNOW something is wrong but can’t quite put their finger on what it is! It is sometimes the case, too, that people would rather close their ears and stay in their comfort zone rather than face the wickedness that clouds our lives now.  We can’t just quote Scripture references without making application to how they affect our lives and decisions today unless we want to continue to be regarded as irrelevant by many.

We have wondered how people in leadership could make such ridiculous decisions that undermine our safety and freedom.

Too many didn’t realize until recently with the more public identity of being “nationalists” verses “globalists” that these people are not stupid as some think but rather operating under a different set of guidelines; a different religion really. It does NOT include protection of America but instead the destruction of all the foundations of our culture to speed the birth of a fully functioning one world government. Christian faith and family harmony have been primary targets. I have written in the past about the need for believers to be discerning of not only good and evil, but also the “false light” kind of thing, only appearing to be good… as in the two trees in the garden….lest we fall prey to that deception.

I have recently researched the phenomenon in the past ten years or so of approximately 25% of adult children estranging themselves from their parents. This is not just in America but an international phenomenon.  Having worked with traumatized people I do understand that there are at times really abusive behaviors that make it necessary for adult children to keep their distance from abusive relatives. However, reasons being given more recently have to do with a change in expectations. “Psychologized” interpretations of the needs for self-fulfillment and material goods have become the standard for grading your childhood and parenting, despite the fact that these expectations were not even in the air in those days. You weren’t there for me. You didn’t give me what I needed. I don’t owe you anything.

 The former foundational Scriptural truth of honoring father and mother no longer carries any weight with many people today, which is in concert with the declining numbers of Believers.  A very large long -term study done by Barna Research in 2020 affirms that then only about 1 in 4 American’s met the criterial for practicing Christians…down nearly half of the number in 2000.    I wonder where that number is now …after three years of what I consider to have been the plan-demic.  ( )

 I did see in the admittedly limited research that approximately 60-80% of people do eventually end their alienation but it is always fully dependent on the adult child’s decision. Appeals from parents typically fall on deaf ears and no amount of “proving” their care, concern or good times during childhood seems to have any impact on their assertations that the parents were bad people. I recommend materials by Joshua Coleman, PhD such as  Rules of Estrangement: Why Adult Children Cut Ties and How to Heal the Conflict (book and on YT)  to  understand the shift and what it looks like in many relationships. While working to remain as neutral as possible to be able to help facilitate reconciliations he has yet done a good job helping to support brokenhearted parents who cannot fathom what went wrong and are now abandoned. Though he looks to some Buddhist philosophies I’d rather not suggest, he has some clearly described actions to avoid or to try.

 I have also spent time recently learning of the things that had been going on “under the surface” for at least ten years that have led to the apparent explosion of trans gender ideology and “gender affirming care” (GAC)--- which is about as accurate as “Planned Parenthood” which is really about ending parenthood. This process also tends to alienate children and parents, as well as leading to permanent damage, loss of fertility and even death…broken people.  Just as I saw decades ago when militant homosexual populations overwhelmed the American Psychiatric Association conventions with demands to normalize homosexuality, and eventually pedophila as well, so does the history confirm similar behind the scenes efforts that have pressured many professional organizations to promote GAC. It has been especially promoted toward teens, and children as young as toddlers. This includes pediatric psychiatrists, doctors, counselors, social workers, teachers, etc. under the guise of the belief that young people are likely to commit suicide if they aren’t affirmed. (Review of such studies does NOT confirm this is a prevalent danger any more than other difficult circumstances.) This includes trusted professionals encouraging children to transition without their parent’s knowledge.  

This has been done in large part based on faulty research such as that of Dr. John Money. He was the first one to promote the unorthodox idea that biological sex did not determine gender; and that transitioning physically to “match” your gender perception was to be considered normal and healthy. When the falsehoods of his research were made known, he simply disregarded them and continued on, still receiving public accolades for his work until his death.

 It became a sort of litmus test: professionally you must agree with and support GAC or you are blackballed and ostracized. (This is quite a moneymaking proposition as well as any of the interventions, from puberty blocking hormones to surgical creation of desired genitalia, have been proving to create lifelong medical problems and sometimes early death.) Therefore, anyone who questions professionals about this process is essentially deemed the enemy. Wherever people turn to try to understand what is happening with their child, they are met with a stone wall of only one permitted response: total support and no room for discussion. “Failure to use preferred pronouns” has been cited as being abusive and serious enough to remove children from their homes.  I recommend Dr.  Miriam Grossman and Jordan Peterson‘s well researched book:  Lost in Trans Nation:  A Child Psychiatrist’s Guide Out of the Madness.


As it reaches full force here in America, especially via social media and school personnel, I see that in Switzerland restrictions are being implemented:  Sweden’s Karolinska Ends All Use of Puberty Blockers and Cross-Sex Hormones for Minors Outside of Clinical Studies: Concerns over medical harm and uncertain benefits result in a major policy shift…

According to Karolinska’s newest policy, which went into effect in May 2021, going forward, hormonal (puberty blocking and cross-sex hormone) interventions for gender-dysphoric minors may only be provided in a research setting approved by Sweden’s ethics review board. The policy states that careful assessment of the patient’s maturity level must be conducted to determine if the patient is capable of providing meaningful informed consent. There is also a requirement that patients and guardians are provided with adequate disclosures of the risks and uncertainties of this treatment pathway. It is not clear whether minors under the age of 16 would be eligible for such trials.+

The Karolinska Hospital’s new policies echo a growing international concern over the proliferation of medical interventions that have a low certainty of benefits, while carrying a significant potential for medical harm. 

(It reminds me of thalidomide and how it was pushed before the teratogenic effects on children became known, as well as how pervasive the idea of lobotomizing people once was, even having mobile units that could carry out this brain surgery on the spot as needed. The apparent medical consensus in these matters was fully WRONG and it took time for that truth to come to the fore.)

Many of us have been researching and trying to understand what happened to our medical  people who went along with the whole covid plandemic, again wondering how they could be so blind to the strongarm tactics that didn’t permit any dissenting opinions to be make known. The amount of financial rewards that were provided by Pharmaceutical companies to doctors and hospitals for using their products is truly astounding and was at least in part responsible for this, but there are far darker aspects.  More and more evidence is recently surfacing that the damaging and sometimes deadly effects of the so called vaccine were known prior to the worldwide distribution. I point you to a recent summation provided by Dr. Peter McCullough:

I could write long articles on each of these topics but am seeing the underlying thread of unholy connections that have led to it all: the breakdown of family relationships, the loss of the value of truth and the ability to reason. Anything that is anti-life is not of our God!  As I have said before, I do try to aim at the BASE of an issue, like pointing your fire extinguisher at the base of the flame, or not just snipping off dandelions, but uprooting them).  And then I came to some political understanding of a probable “root” of this tyranny!

“Soft“ totalitarianism…  the use of mass psychological  persuasion and control” methods as opposed to

“Hard” totalitarianism which involves physical violence and death for those who don’t “toe the party line.”  

I have been calling this a low level of mind control being acted on the general population before I learned this terminology, but it seems to fit very well, sadly.  And it is STILL a mental manipulation done on a massive scale.

It doesn’t seem possible that so many people in so many official positions worldwide should suddenly have all come to the same conclusions and silence any opposition, until some research shows the long term indoctrination that has been going on for a long time in professional organizations and government before it became known to the general public.

It doesn’t seem possible that in a nation with Judea-Christian foundations that now only 1 in 4 people practice that faith…until you start asking some questions and perhaps, move out from among your usual circle of friends and family.

Faith is and has been under assault in ways that we haven’t really fully imagined or understood.  And it is all so convincingly presented that even many believers end up ”going along to get along.”

This soft totalitarian approach is essentially an effort to steal away our souls, in spiritual language.  It appeals to the human desire to experience a sense of belonging and manipulates fear-based responses. We want to know that we are acceptable and “fit in” with our group. Many people ignored any questions they might have had and began to tailor their choices and actions to fit. If they experienced “cognitive dissonance” within themselves, far too many shut it down rather than possibly APPEARING to go against the grain. if you don’t mask or social distance! The social pressure to obey the “party line” of how to save people during covid lockdowns!! People who were still thinking critically and able to recognize the strongarm tactics, including censoring any kind of disagreement, were marginalized; careers and reputations were blown apart… if they didn’t go along to get along.  Under Hard Totalitarianism, they would have been rounded up and imprisoned or executed. Under soft totalitarianism, it was powerful enough to control the national and international narratives which condemned any dissent. Yet we have SAID that we understand that we are not of this world, but simply passing through…(John 17:11, 14–15.)

We are demanded to deny the truth of our own eyes, and faith, suppress what we know and go along with the lies/fantasies. I strongly recommend “Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents by  Rod Dreher  (Book and on YT) for greater understanding of how this works and how to stand in Truth rather than comply.

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