
Will Wickedness Prevail?

Barbara L. Klika, MSW, Undershepherd, Life Coach
November 2016

Written for Wisconsin Christian Newspapers


“It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.”

Personally, our family has had the worry of complications in the last weeks of pregnancy. Nationally, these past two weeks, we have seen an ongoing exposure of wickedness in the Clinton’s group efforts to co-opt America. Then we had the birth of our new grandchild and all complications are put to rest, a praise! New Life! Now the revelations of wickedness have reached a depth and crescendo that again brings me to tears. What kind of life will it be for our children and grandchildren? Chaos, strife and division have been arranged so that no matter who wins, or has won by the time you read this, further conflict will arise.

Back and forth we go: the worst of times to learn what has really been going on. The best of times because only through exposure and with the strength and judgment of our Elohim will this wickedness be cleaned out. Not only the political corruption is coming to light with all the breadth and depth of its infiltration into our government, military, media and business systems, but also the level of revealing the occult nature and depravity of multiple people in leadership positions. (This is not limited to America but UK leaders have also been caught covering a VIP pedophile ring.)

I am grateful to the informal group of various intelligence community’s people that have cooperated to expose the whole lot. Up until now, no single expose could be successful because others clandestinely involved were in positions of power to cover for them. They were able to cast those who objected to what is being done as the” trouble makers, outside the law.” They have been very good at co-opting laws designed to protect America to protect themselves. Truly, I believe it was a God inspired approach to first define what HAS been done as a coup de’tat, so that the efforts to bring correction can be identified as a counter coup d’tat. Their stated objection is to aid the republic to stand under a restoration to constitutional law. By Messiah, may it remain so, for historically, such a coup also deteriorates to even worse leadership.

Back and forth we go: tears of gratitude, sadness and grief. All these facts that have “now” come to light have been known for decades: known by those who have been harmed, by those who, like me, have stood with the victims and prayerfully supported them in recovery, known to the McMartin Preschool children and their therapists. Those who have tried to expose the wickedness have suffered from being marginalized, through being dismissed or caricatured as “conspiracy theory nuts” to having their livelihood destroyed and even losing their lives because of what they have brought into the light. I have worked with only dozens of victims, not hundreds. Our Father allowed character assassination and assault on my livelihood but He has not permitted them to take my life. Our Set Apart Ministries equipping ministry came into being as a means to provide support, restoration and community to those whose lives have been so damaged by ritualistic abuse. I have worked with people who have been criminally abused through this system of satanic ritual abuse since the early 90s. I have heard the reports of highly public leaders as being among the perpetrators since then. The Wikileaks emails and other confiscated emails only confirm what I have heard from their victims.

I am not writing about politics. It has nothing to do with male or female, Democrat or Republican. It is a spiritual issue yet it moves into the public arena when people in positions of power are participants in occult practices. This has been true for decades but the public, and the church, haven’t been able to stomach the reality. Some among the church are themselves complicit. It can’t be addressed at only a human level. Human efforts alone will fail. Practitioners of ritual magik do not rely on personal power alone but seek demonic power through the victimization of others. They believe drinking the blood of an innocent victim gives them power. Conceiving a child in an occult ritual and then later sacrificing that child and consuming its flesh is another way to convey power. Will people be able to stomach these behaviors as being part and parcel of what has been happening among our government and business officials? 

I have seen that people may initially exhibit shock or a morbid fascination with what is revealed. After that, all too often, they simply decide to dismiss it as impossible, because it is so offensive. If they do try to stand with the victims, and those who provide help, they find soon after that all the forces of hell seem to line up against them. In subtle and not so subtle ways the message is received and many will stand down. Most Christians have never been equipped to recognize the strategies of the evil one and will end up either in denial out of fear or taken out of the fray through other means.

Surely, this Lutheran girl never expected to come up against anything like this in my life! Surely, like Daniel, I have spent weeks feeling ill each time devastating realizations and facts have come to me. I fully expect there to be a similar response in others. 

Believers! How will you deal with this? There is no political answer to this. The greater warfare is behind the scenes though it will play out on the earth. The war between good and evil: darkness and light. Will you take the time necessary to equip yourself to fight the good fight? Our enemy is not flesh and blood but powers, principalities, thrones dominions and spiritual forces of wickedness in high places. Not to mention the unholy Watchers.

In the UK, the allegations of the pedophilia ring have gone so far and wide that there has been pressure to end the investigation for fear it will take down the entire power structure. Perhaps what Trump calls “draining the swamp?” If the cleansing process stops before it is complete, the wickedness will rise again sooner. If it proves true that Clinton and others will not be held accountable for illegal behaviors then we must face the possibility that our God is allowing this to happen and judgment will fall.

Some have defined America as Babylon and thus many Christians have accepted the defeat and confused it with end time’s events. (I tend to think that the world monetary system of commerce more clearly fits the Babylon picture.) I see that there is a judgment of America at hand. We have collectively turned our backs on our Elohim but it is also true that it is the corrupt leadership that has misled many. Ezekiel tells us what our God thinks of false shepherds. They do not have a good future in Him. He says, through Ezekiel, that He will raise up true shepherds who will serve Him and His people. 

Don’t let up now after the election! Believers CAN act: we can humble ourselves, confess the sins of our fathers and our brothers and sisters now. We can acknowledge we deserve judgment, yield to Him and ask that He remember mercy in the midst of judgment. Like David, we’d rather fall into the Hands of the Living God than into the hands of wicked people, the kings of the earth. I do not think that judgment could righteously be deferred entirely. I do have hope that our merciful Father may mitigate the degree of judgment as He may have done in these past few days. If He knows that He can trust a yielded people, He will be able to pour His power out through and for them.

It is the best of times. It is the worst of times. 

What God do you serve? If you serve the God of Israel, the judgment that must come will be painful but it will not be harmful. If you serve the gods of darkness, you will be found outside where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. While the battle on earth goes on, it is still true that the most important battle is in the mind, will and emotions to stand firm in the Spirit of Truth. May it be said of us that we, too, overcome by the Word of our Testimony and by not loving our lives unto death.


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