
The Terrible “E”--Expediency

Barbara L. Klika, MSW, Undershepherd, Life Coach
April 2013

Sometimes my observations put me in my dual role as both personal life coach and Undershepherd because both personal and spiritual growth issues apply. For many years, our Set Apart Ministries people have spoken of “the Terrible “D”s” referring to depression, despair, discouragement, disconnection, distortion, deceit, and duplicity. As they do to all believers, all of these represent challenges to our growth and unity in Messiah, personally and corporately.

Recently, we’ve identified a “terrible “E.” Expediency, the concept of the most convenient action; something along the lines of doing whatever might be at hand to get from point A to point B. From our human perspective, there is no problem with this. It is an efficient way to live. It became clear that it is necessary to differentiate between normal circumstances and something that is a real crisis. Hopefully, those who honor our Messiah Yeshua will take expedient action without pause when a life threatening situation presents itself. An inappropriate use of expediency is the intended focus here.

From a spiritual perspective, it represents serious trouble; perhaps even disaster, another “Terrible D.” When I make life choices based on expediency I am taking the perceived shortest distance between two points as I see it. As mankind became estranged from YHWH through sin, the lens through which we view the world was turned upside down. Our own senses became our primary guide rather than our desire to please the One Who created us for Himself. We saw expediency at work as Eve took of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, based on the insinuations she heard that YHWH might be holding something back and that the outcome would be good for her. Adam did what his wife put in front of him, and then told Abba this was the reason he ate. We can see expediency at work in the life of Esau when he sold his birthright for a red stew when he was hungry. He described himself as facing death because of his hunger therefore the birthright held no meaning for him. (In therapeutic language, this is called “awfulizing,” putting the worst possible spin on a situation.) Recently remembering the crucifixion and resurrection of our Messiah we might also consider that Judas may have been operating under his view of expediency. Some evidence suggests that he thought Yeshua was getting out of hand in His claims so took expedient action to put a stop to the escalating tension. Later, when the unanticipated death sentence resulted, he repented of having betrayed innocent blood. He condemned himself to death, perhaps another expediency, rather than seeking forgiveness as others who turned away from Yeshua did. (Scripture indicates he was destined for this but I am not considering that question today.)

Many years ago, a discussion of what it would mean to accept the mark of the Beast in order to buy and sell brought to light an expectation based in expediency: “Surely God would understand that I’d have to take the mark in order to feed my family!?!” Yeshua’s Word indicates otherwise.

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; 
and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Revelation 12:11

The important people and leaders of the church, the government and perhaps even our family and friends are all so much more tangible than the omnipresent God! The efficiency and immediate need of any matter is the prime consideration, leaving no room for contemplation on spiritual truths or consequences. This is the ultimate in self-sufficiency, though it is not frequently recognized. It becomes a form of idolatry when we consider our own reasoning above that of YHWH. It is plainly rebelliousness. Doing the expedient thing may not be illegal or wrong in any of our usual understandings; we are just being practical and considerate of the way things are. If there is no immediate consequence to an action we conclude that it is fine. In fact, we are seeking something other than His will all too often.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; 
and all these things shall be added unto you.
Matthew 6:33 KJV

Though these words were spoken many times throughout my childhood at church functions it never became a daily reality for me. When one was doing “religious” things it was relevant but not beyond that. I had lived half of my life before the foundational truth of these words stunned me. Yeshua didn’t say them as a suggestion, but as a command.

All of our common sense or flesh nature bridles at the thought of putting our relationship with Him first in all things; it just isn’t practical or real. The glare of life struggles seem to overwhelm the Light of the Living God; our connection with the world system, our need to earn a living, our need to fit in to the culture, our expediencies. We trust in our own reasoning process and what we can see, taste, touch and feel far more than we trust in the unseen reality of the kingdom of Yah. I well recall thinking that surely He couldn’t have meant that we were to trust and look to Him about all those mundane daily things! Clearly, my view then was firmly grounded in what I could see around me, in expediency.

As we mature in faith things of this life begin to fade in importance. Just growing older is not enough; maturity is important. The Bright Light of eternity begins to overshadow the daily struggle. Our need to be in relationship with our Elohim NOW while we have time to delight in Him and learn His ways becomes expedient. NOW while we have the opportunity to show Him that our desire to please Him far surpasses the desire to hear the praises of man or for our own comfort.

Yeshua Messiah told the seven assemblies that they needed to have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying. I recently saw that Jeremiah identified how it is that people have eyes and see not and ears but hear not. It is because they are rebellious. May we not be found in rebellion, but exchanging the expediencies of this temporary life for Abba’s eternal perspective.


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