Additional Series

God’s Calendar and Holidays for Us!

Barbara L. Klika, MSW, Undershepherd, Life Coach
November 2017

Written for Wisconsin Christian Newspaper

“Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong; and the one who is filthy, still be filthy;
and let the one who is righteous, still practice righteousness; 
and the one who is holy, still keep himself holy.”
Rev 22:11 NASB

Keep this NT admonition in mind. As we near the End of Days, it is important for the righteous to practice righteousness and remain holy/set apart for God’s purposes. This series continues examining what that looks like. Remember, righteousness is defined in the Word as following His path and keeping His commands, His Law. I believe that those who continue in wrong doing and filth are simply confirming who they really are; not those who seek our God, His ways and His mercy, but those who choose their own ways. They may consider themselves within or outside the church. The difference is becoming more clear. I believe this is a tender mercy of God for those who have yet to “choose this day Who they will serve.”

So is it really possible to follow Messiah and His Father by ONLY working from the directions provided in the Whole Word? This was a question that I pondered quite long and deeply as well should the reader. After several years of study, prayer, retreats, fasting and community processing, my answer was yes! It is not only possible, it is what our Messiah told us to do…walk after Him as He walks after our Father.

"For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.
John 6:38

And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments This is the commandment, just as you 
have heard from the beginning, that you should walk in it.
1 John 1:6

The one who says, "I have come to know Him," and does not keep His commandments, 
is a liar, and the truth is not in him;
1 John 2:4

I note these things because of the arguments that Messiah teaches differently from what the Father taught. If that were true, He wouldn’t be our Messiah, according to His own words and the test of a false prophet as found in Deuteronomy 13. He does not change and He does not lie. He and the Father are one.

There is much to say about why and how this all applies to Christian believers that cannot be addressed here. Let’s just go to the matter of what calendar of holidays are laid out for His people in Leviticus 23. They are in patterns of sevens, a common theme in the Word. They are called moedim, which means appointed or set apart times; what we have called holidays.

When I saw that each of these 
Feasts are focused on Messiah 
and are a picture of His life and 
work on our behalf,
I was bowled over!

I learned by study and later by walking in them, just how much they really are a mikrey kodesh, a holy rehearsal pattern of lifestyle so that we are made ready as His Bride for His return. Why would I choose anything else? I can only provide a tiny summation here.

I know! I know! You have only heard of them as “Jewish Feasts” but this is NOT what they are called in the WORD. Our Father inspired them to be called HIS Feasts for HIS people. It is man who called them only “Jewish” matters. This was done long years ago before it was the Father’s timing for all things to begin to be revealed and restored. They come in two sets: the three Spring Feasts, which have to do with Messiah’s First coming as the Suffering Servant, and our choice to come into His House, under His blood and be set apart for His purposes; and the three Fall Feasts which have to do with His return as the Conquering King, our Bridegroom to be, coming for those who have walked after Him in faith, remained set apart, and sought out intimacy with Him. In between these two sets, there is Shavuot or Pentecost, when the promise of the presence of His Spirit to empower those who have chosen to be set apart to Him to walk through the Final Feasts occurs.

He also is wise as our Creator and knows we are but dust, and need recurring visual and physical clues to keep us on track. Not only did He lay out a yearly pattern in which we can rehearse and walk out our Lord’s life’s work annually, He provided for a full day of rest every week as a picture of our trust and resting in what He is accomplishing on our behalf, laying down the work of our Hands and looking to Him. (Hebrews 4:9-10) Guarding His Sabbath is defined as being like a wedding ring, identifying those who belong to Him. All the modern day Martha’s struggle with this one, but it is a powerful picture and way to walk, to rest in Him in practice as well as in spirit. Now I wonder how we managed without it!

Paul wrote to the Corinthians of the importance of keeping the Feast of Passover, though it is necessary to get the old leaven/sin out first. Clearing out those holidays that are NOT taught in His Word is a parallel process as we return to His ancient paths. (Check out their origins and you may be surprised. I was! But it is clear why they are NOT taught in His Word.)

To be righteous: If a holiday isn’t commanded, don’t do it! Stay set apart!

And Zechariah wrote that in the End of Days:

Then it will come about that any who are left of all the nations that went against Jerusalem will go up 
from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to celebrate the Feast of Booths 
Zechariah 14: 16 NASB

If His people were commanded to keep the Feasts in the beginning, and Messiah Yeshua also walked in the Feasts, and all nations will be keeping them in the End of Days, can you explain to me why they would be obsolete in between? I don’t have an answer to that so I decided to walk in them all my days and rehearse for Messiah’s return. 

Next time: What are the worldly/manmade holidays that need to be weeded out of our lives? It is easier to let go of something when we have something of great value already in place!

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